Managing your money when you’re neurodivergent is so much more than just figuring out a budgeting system that works for you.
because most financial systems and education out there were designed for and by neurotypical brains.
It’s trying to overcome a lifetime of being told how to live and do things the neurotypical way.
It’s working through the guilt and shame you felt pre-diagnosis and the years you beat yourself up for being “lazy”.
The Neuro$picy Money Method is jam-packed with education, support, coaching and accountability to help you completely transform your finances in only 6 weeks.
"I just loved it so much, you are wonderful and presented it all in such a lovely way, I could watch your videos all day. I also love the group of people it brought together!"
"I am holding back tears as I write this. With this course and time with Ellyce and the gang, I feel my challenges with money are recognized, not punished or shamed. I have less self-doubt and I have found a community that I am part of."
"This was a great course and it was well worth the investment, knowing that I'm moving forward with new tools to help me tackle my money goals."
"I definitely changed the way I've been thinking about money and what it means in relation to myself or my worth. I feel like I'm going to be able to break some bad cycles and start some positive changes."
"I now have a real picture of what I'm spending in a month and where that money is going. Thank you! You have so much to offer - your knowledge and approach and your kind and encouraging personality."
"I felt so seen and really appreciate all of your transparency and effort into the variety of learning styles and ways to create a truly safe space. I already appreciate this so much and cannot wait to get started!"
"My favourite parts were the live calls, flexibility of the course (added breaks) supportive community and Ellyce. I absolutely loved having the Slack channel and now the Facebook group to be part of."
"My expectations were exceeded. I am building an ongoing adjustable budget. I learned skills to work with my brain so I can adjust things going forward AND work within my brain so I don't feel deprived and end up impulse spending."
"I know I can celebrate my wins. And having someone like you, who has done the debt repayment and has their own business and is writing a book, makes me look around and KNOW THAT I CAN DO THIS TOO!"
"This has been such a wonderful experience. I felt so safe with my cohort and comfortable sharing uncomfortable experiences and truths when it comes to money and finances."
"Win - my husband’s back page from contract negotiations came through- I’m paying off our smallest credit card bill today and snowballing to the next."
"Payday hit and I am not thinking of things I can buy, I am thinking about how much more $$ I put into savings (change in mindset, ooooh yeah!)"